Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Shopping Online.

Does anyone ever or have you ever shopped online? I won this $60.00 Amazon gift card and ended up buying Halo 3, Dead Space and Grand Theft Auto IV. All used of course but still in great condition. And I bought my mom this Marilyn Monroe keychain and my sister this Turtle Necklace. All for under $60.00 and they came within a few days. Thought it worked out pretty well.


  1. I'm an avid online shopper - saves gas money to go to the stores, especially if you can get free shipping. Overall, it's a much better experience.

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  3. I get records online occasionally and haven't had a bad experience with online shopping yet. Amazon is a great place for everything in my opinion.

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  5. shopping online uses gives the best deals but i'm impatient, if i buy something i usually need it instantly!

  6. Thats a lot stuff for $60.

  7. i got a drum set for like $80 online and the run about $400 at the store.

  8. Yeah really, what bargain internet store did you get all that stuff from?
    I stil like to see a package or something before I buy. That's just me.
    I whistle a different tune during xmas time; then it is all about the online shopping.

  9. A lot of the time you can find great deals online, but shipping is a bitch.

  10. Hey snoobyy, who would you cast as Spider Jerusalem if they made a Transmet movie? I know it's lazy on my part, but imagine Johnny Depp going back to his Hunter S. weirdness and using his clout to get it made without any cuts.

  11. @Ason

    i would definitely have to go with bryan cranston. he's a terrific actor and google some photos of him with no hair in breaking bad.

  12. Yeah I was always against shopping online but then I did and it came in like 2 days and was in perfect condition, Ive been addicted since! Lol good post, following you!

  13. I can usually find things cheaper online

  14. clearance is my niddle name i love bargins. you will love your new games

  15. Oh I love shopping online! Almost every store website has a clearance section. I just hate if I'm buying things that actually have to be bought in a size. Then you never know :/
