Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Do you think dreams can mean something? Once in a while I'll have the most bizarre random dream, and other times I'll dream about someone I really care about. I don't know what to make of dreams sometimes. All your inner most thoughts coming out while we aren't even conscience. I just wish I could record them.

Also, today I got and passed 100 followers. It's nice getting to read and get to know all you people who without the Internet I wouldn't have met. Here's to getting 1,000?


  1. I didn't dream for year hehe or maybe i just don't remember XD

  2. I have a book on dream interpretation right next to me.

  3. Dreams usually lead to a real life situation in the future. It's kind of like predicting the future for me. It's very odd, but dreams do in fact mean something.

  4. it's weird, i kind of dream of what i was thinking about before i slept or something along the lines of an issue that i thought about alot during the day.

  5. I don't think dreams mean a lot. I think they're more or less just the brain purging all of the extra input during the day, the stuff that's 'stored' that's really unnecessary. There's so much input we take it without even realizing it...it's gotta go somewhere.

  6. I read the other day that some dream in the morning can last up to 45 minutes...

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. i sont have dreeams :P

  9. Congrats on the 100! Yeah, dreams are weird, but I don't think they mean something in a particular, just what you feel inside!

  10. I'm on the same page as Ankiseth; it's just a way for the brain to cope with a lot of data.
    That's not to say that one can't extrapolate meaning out of a dream, or get scared, or draw strength from them.

  11. hey, all you have to do is go on once a day and click the advertisements. Once you reach 75 cents you can rent 3 referrals, and you just keep adding more. It starts out a little slow, but in time you start making alot of money.

  12. the dreans are the reflection of our subconscious

  13. Here's to 1000 man. Good luck. Sometimes, I hope my dreams have nothing to do with anything. ugh.

  14. Yeah you are right, often dreams are just very random yet sometimes they reflect your feelings, fears and thoughts.

  15. Hmm yeah. Dreams are fun. I once saw a show that was trying to explain dreams. It said something about securing the connections of the neurons made throughout the day, bringing up old and new memories. I dunno, its about as hard to explain as consciousness.

  16. its alwsy good to write your dreams down adn then a every few monthes go back and review them and alot of times you will see pattersn in your dreasm and some times thing you wil relized things you dreamnt about sometimes happend in real life

  17. Cheers on 100!

    I think dreams can mean things and other times are just your brain organizing things that have happened.

  18. I dreamt I had 100 followers. Then I woke up. Lol. Congratulations man!

  19. They have to mean something!! but it's too hard to remember what the hell happened.

  20. i've always wanted to have a lucid dream and go crazy with it haha

  21. hm, not one that comes to mind. supporting!

  22. mine are usually what im worried about... i had a dream i did horrible on my history midterm whihc is next week

  23. I believe that dreams can change your emotions because I started having really depressing dreams and my mood had kind of changed because of it.

  24. Only sometimes, but when they do its great :D

  25. some dreams are good, and some dreams are bad.
    I dont like dreams where you are afraid to go back to sleep.. and I HATE when you're having a really good dream and you wake up and its already morning :(

  26. I don't dream very often. My sleep schedule is all jacked up.

  27. I lve keeping a dream journal. and sussing out what they mean

  28. Grats on the followers. Dreaming for me is pretty bizarre sometimes xD

  29. I should start keeping a dream journal, and thanks for visting my blog! :)

  30. random bits of brain and imagination in your sleep really, just randomly processed thoughts.

  31. I enjoyed your point of view in this post

  32. nah, my dreams are usually nonsense

  33. I often don't remember any....The ones I do however, are always about my teeth falling out :O
