Thursday, October 7, 2010


This is kind of embarrassing/funny to tell, but I'll do it anyway. Yesterday morning I woke up and my ears were ringing. Figured I had too much wax built up so at about 4:00 pm I went to the pharmacy to buy some peroxide and got a syringe. I mixed the peroxide with warm water and blasted all the wax out of my ear. About two or so hours later (at about 7:00 pm) I started feeling sick. Because of all the peroxide that went inside my ear, I ended up getting severe vertigo, both my arms went numb and i got really nauseated. My roommate took me to the hospital and I ended up throwing up in his car (LOL) and then I got there and felt a bit dehydrated and they gave me a ton of fluids and I got kind of better. They said I would feel normal again in about 24 hours. I feel alright now but still a bit off. The waiting at the hospital kind of sucked. Although half the time I called one of my friends and she cheered me up.


  1. Damn, what a way to end the day. Glad you are feeling better.

  2. I have to agree with you here. Check out my other TS blog, Swift Fanatics!

  3. What was wrong with you?>

  4. This doesn't sound like a good day!

  5. Shitty. Hope you're feeling better.

  6. you've got an interesting point here, good job with the post

  7. haha that sucks man, hope you get better

  8. My doctor's office used meat tenderizer and warm water to dissolve the wax in my ear once. I thought I was going deaf in one ear until I got it out. Ear wax is serious business.

  9. Peroxide? I thought you were to just use warm water. Also the build up could of added to the vertigo. Peroxide though? Really?

  10. dam i know what not to shove in my ear now haha

  11. That sucks, ill be keeping peroxide away from my ears now!


  12. Remind me to never inject peroxide into my ears.

    Unless it's for the sake of comedy.

  13. Aww man that stinks! If it helps, my husband gets wax in his ears and what he does is just lay down on his side and pour a lid full of peroxide into his ear and let it sit for a few minutes and then turn over and let it come back out. It always works for him.

  14. sounds awful...

    good thing your better

  15. sounds like you had a fun day ;p

  16. wow that's a weird way of dealing with wax 0.0

  17. man i dont like too go the hospiatl :(

  18. lolz:) if you do what you think:)) why no go first on hospital?:)))

  19. hospitals are freaky, make me feel weird being there... around death... lol

  20. Aww man that sucks. But at least your ears are squeaky clean!

  21. Why the heck do you use peroxide!! D:

    how about good ole cotton earbuds?

  22. i hope you start feeling better soon man, drink plenty of water, stay away from sodium packed foods, pop and coffee they dehydrate

  23. I suppose peroxide in the ears is a bad idea then, eh? :X

    I'm glad you are all right!
