Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How many of these do you believe?

Saw this on another website and thought I'd ask you guys for your opinion.

- Government responsible for 9/11.
- Diet soda/dietary supplements cause cancer
- Cell phones cause cancer
- Vaccines cause autism
- Obama not born in U.S.
- Circumcision reduces sensitivity and pleasure
- The world will end in 2012
- Gum stays in your body for years
- Women's sex drive isn't as high as men's
- Illuminati/Freemasons
- ADD isnt a real disease
- Depression isnt a real disease
- We only invaded Iraq for oil


  1. 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,13 are all bullshit beyond a shadow of a doubt. Don't know anything about diet soda. Freemasonry is real; not sure what the controversy with that could be. Don't know enough about ADD or depression.

    If you can't tell, I'm not much of a conspiracy guy :-p

  2. ADD and Iraq for oil, those are the truth

  3. Number 2 is the only one that could be possibly real.

  4. Iraq for oil, the rest of them i either already dont remember now that i made it to the comment box or i dont feel strongly about enough to decide if i believe it or not.

  5. I don't believe any of them. at all. All a bunch of crap created by misinformed people, spread around by uninformed idiots.

  6. They're all just a bunch of random conspiracy theories that only idiots believe. Although I will say that I have no idea about the woman sex drive thing. Lol.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Reposting!

    Circumcision thing is definitely true. It was originally brought into the united states by puritans trying to discourage adolescent boys from masturbating. Just because its common doesnt mean mommys and daddy actually looked into facts before permanently altering their kids junk.

    Also In Europe a cut fun bit is views as gross. Fun fact.

  9. None, the closest is maybe the US's involvement in Iraq, but "just for oil" isn't the whole story.

  10. i will give my opions in apost on my site good list

  11. lul wat i believe all of them

  12. - Cell phones cause cancer

    Well yes, I believe that the radiation could cause cancer, but it would take many years of exposure.

    - Gum stays in your body for years

    Dated back a long time, clogs consisting of example hair and gum has been removed from the stomach and has in many cases caused death.
    (A clog of hair was found in a 12 year old girls stomach suffering from an emotional disorder where you start eating your own hair)

    - Illuminati/Freemasons

    Does this even need explanation?? ;D

  13. only ones i believe are the ones about autism and depression

  14. :P nice post

  15. i believe in some of it

  16. Only the last one have any real truth imo.

  17. i dont agreee srry man nice post

  18. I have my suspicions about a few of them, wouldn't actually say I believe them.

  19. Haha, I had forgotten about the gum.
    Also, cell phones caused 9/11.

  20. cum stays in your body for years?

  21. 1 Fuck yea.

    2, 3 4, 8, 11, 12. Ask it to your own body.
    5, 9 who cares?
    6 I don't wanna try it D:
    7 nope.
    10 relly dunno.
    13 I think there isn't an only reason.

  22. Hmmm I believe in some of them, but its really uncertain and i don't jump to conclusions usually


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  24. I don't have one specific belief when it comes to 9/11 - there is so much contradicting information that I don't know what to believe anymore. I think I will wait 40 years and see if we finally learn the truth. It is hard to deny that some supplements cause cancer, though. The idea that vaccines cause autism is a greed-driven corporate conspiracy and Andrew Wakefield, the man who got it started, is a spineless sellout. The world will end soon, but probably not on December 21st (or 23rd), 2012. Freemasons obviously exist, and although the Illuminati may as well, they don't control ALL of the world. ADD and depression are real disorders, but they are over-diagnosed by sell-out psychiatrists who want exclusive deals from drug companies.

  25. Only 2 for me. I can believe artificial sugar being harmful and gum seemingly stay for years. I wouldn't try to win an arguement with it since I don't know the scientific studies, but enough evidence to give reason for my belifs. The rest I either don't believe, unaware of (only 1) and one I believe is plausible but not completely agreeing with.

  26. i agreed with four of them...not really in the mood to get into which ones and why or why not. nice job at getting us thinking though

  27. Mines the opposite, the ones I DONT believe are:

    4 (Come on he obviously was!)
    7 (Really!)

  28. Number 6 is definitely true IMO. As much as those who have been mutilated try to deny it, they will never feel the full range of sensation that we get to feel.

  29. Iraq for Oil I believe and I do think ADD is over diagnosed , but I still believe it is a disease.

    Everything else is bull.

  30. It's ridiculous people actually believe this stuff.

  31. I don't particularly subscribe to any of these beliefs, though some seem nutty and ridiculous while others just seem harmlessly off-kilter.

  32. 2nd and last one... the rest im not too sure
