Saturday, October 16, 2010


What are your thoughts on crap like this?

Dish is losing FOX, Fuse and FX because of price negotiations. I have DirecTV so it doesn't affect me, but I think it's bull shit because a lot of people will be losing out on their favorite shows.


  1. Just a bunch of corporate cry babies!


  2. Oh you don't want to get me going. Read my post all about it: Dish Notwork [sic] Raped Me. The post includes emails to and from DISH. See what assholes they are. RAGE!

  3. This is another sign that we need to unplug the TV, walk outside, and spend some time talking to REAL PEOPLE. Or just turn on the computer, ha ha. Technology has shaped our lives so much over the past few decades both in good and bad ways. Television is starting to become obsolete.

  4. Personally I don't watch TV, but if I did, I would be LIVID. If Dish is losing Fox, then they had BETTER cut the cost of their service...

  5. good idea, force people to pirate shit

  6. If people are losing fox's perspective on politics, im perfectly fine with that.

  7. it sucks, but I don't watch these stations anyway

  8. No one needs television anymore. Internet can give you the same and on your own schedule.

  9. Wow! Bunch of babies. Both of them make ass-tons of money already, they may as well just make it free to broadcast on Dish. -.-

  10. cancel cable, cancel satellite and sign up for as much bandwidth as you can with your internet provider. seriously they are all ripping you off and especially being in the US you can find pretty much anything you want to watch online all of it legal and most of it free.

  11. i quit cable, when i watch tv now i just use my digital antenna or thru my hdmi cable

  12. they'll eventually give in, good thing i have direct tv just in case

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Gene pretty covered everything I thought. Scrool up and read what he wrote x 2.

  15. lold gail nice post i like it thnx

  16. I have Dish, so for me this sucks .

  17. i think dish is not gonna be around much longer thats what i think

  18. No huge issue in my mind. TV shouldn't be something that you get pissed off if you have to go without, especially when these stations are still available elsewhere. It's not like Dish is your only choice; there are literally hundreds of other places to watch these same shows, a lot of them legal and free.

  19. yet another reason I don't have TV

  20. people are cheep and it sucks for everyone involved except for the people being cheap

  21. They should be fine as long as they have internet. A bulk of the sows you can watch online like on hulu!
